We Employ Latest Research Technology & Company

We’re here to automate your school operations. Avoid data leaks and enable consistent communication.

The software can be accessed via a web browser from any device that is connected to the internet. You don’t have to install anything onto your computer..

More About

Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills around the world.

  • Seamless Implementation
  • User-Friendly
  • Great Data Security
  • Role-Based Access
  • Live Dashboards
  • Cutting edge features
  • Cloud-Based Network
  • Multi-School Management
GurukoolMax Overview
Mobile Walkthrough

We Cover all the Stakeholder functions and treat every customer as one Whole Family!

We’re Setting the New Standards in Operational Excellence.

We Provide All Aspects Of Best-In Class Practice For Your Whole Family!

Ease of Use






Teaching Tools Resources


Need a Help for taking away the administrative burden from your stakeholders? Call for an 24x7 Support Services

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+91-703 294 7456