Something for everyone: School

School ERP is online solution seeks to provide schools with enhanced flexibility, autonomy in managing their operations and resources. This helps Administrators, Teachers, Parents and Students for their daily activities and keeps parents up to date with their children's progress.

  • Project name: GurukoolMax ERP
  • Target Stakeholder: School
  • Ecosystem Owners: SolutionsMax Technology Services
  • Initial Release Year: 2001
  • Number of Clients: 1802

How can your Institution be benefited?

GurukoolMax is a comprehensive web-based School Management Software. It is designed for better interaction between students, teachers, parents & management. This management software very gracefully handles all the requirements for easy school management. The software being web-based can be accessed from anywhere in the world, which enables the students, teachers, parents & the management to be in touch with each other at all times.

GurukoolMax ERP has been developed exclusively for simplifying school management procedures. Considering large demand from various school managers this work was undertaken.

GurukoolMax is a powerful online school management software that can provide several strategic advantages to your schools.


» Low Cost of Ownership

» Total Operational Automation

» More Time to focus on Strategic Tasks

» Multiple Campus Management

» One-Time Fee Of the System

» Anywhere Availability – Internet or Intranet with Automatic Synchronization

» Scalable, Customizable and Supports Multiple Languages

» Effective communication between teachers, parents, and students.

»  Creation of school's tech-savvy image.

» Complete automation of all operations.

» Centrally stored information with zero redundancy.

» Best possible resource optimization.

» Auto-generation of timetables with dynamic substitute management.

GurukoolMax Overview
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